This week in wellness just days after the removal of health fund rebates for natural therapies came into effect on 1 April, Greg Hunt MP has announced $2 million for updated natural therapy reviews to re-examine which therapies should once again be eligible for Subsidy through the Private Health Insurance rebate.
The review update will also look at removing the ‘banned’ list so insurers can cover whichever therapies they want, even if they won’t attract the Subsidy.
The instigators of the ‘your health your choice’ campaign have given credit to the 13,323 members of the public who took the time to send a personalised message to Minister Hunt and LNP MPs and Senators and the over 110,000 people who signed the petition. They state that “The Minister and the LNP have been flooded with protest from consumers on a scale that simply could not be ignored”, and that “Removal of natural therapy rebates pushes costs to consumers and makes private health insurance less worthwhile”.
A poll of nearly 4,000 people conducted by YHYC in 2018 showed that 95% would either cancel (50%) or reduce (45%) their level of private health cover if the policy went ahead.
The link to Greg Hunt’s announcement and to the Your Health Your Choice website’s are below.
The post TWIW 5: A back flip on natural therapies? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.