This Week In Wellness
Brett Hill brings you This Week In Wellness, the health news highlights you need. Every week Brett scours the globe to find the most relevant and important health news highlight to bring to his tribe. In just 5 minutes he will get you up to date with the news and share his opinion of what this means for you. So tune in to stay up to date on the wellness world in just 5 minutes a week. Brett Hill brings you This Week In Wellness, the health news highlights you need. Every week Brett scours the globe to find the most relevant and important health news highlight to bring to his tribe. In just 5 minutes he will get you up to date with the news and share his opinion of what this means for you. So tune in to stay up to date on the wellness world in just 5 minutes a week.
Monday Feb 15, 2016
TWG 240: The Happy Life with Lola Berry
Monday Feb 15, 2016
Monday Feb 15, 2016
This week The Wellness Guys welcome back the inspirational Lola Berry to the show for an epic conversation. Lola talks about the recent controversy about the launch of her new on-line program (covered in episode 234), how she dealt with the criticism and how she bounced back to her happy life and the launch of her new book of the same name. So tune in for another inspirational episode of The Wellness Guys Show!
The post TWG 240: The Happy Life with Lola Berry appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Monday Feb 08, 2016
TWG 239: Real Detox with BJ Hardick
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Monday Feb 08, 2016
So you think you need to detox eh? This week Brett and Laurence interview born and bred Canadian Chiropractor BJ Hardick about all things detox. Born the son of a Chiropractor BJ thought that he had lived a relatively toxin-free existence. Eating healthy organic food, being careful of the toxins in his environment and getting adjusted regularly, so he was surprised when his health took a turn for the worst and he was diagnosed with extreme heavy metal toxicity. He is now sharing what he learned about how he got so toxic, and how he got his health back on track, with the world through his book Real Detox. So tune in to find out everything you wanted to know about detoxification.
You can also find BJ’s book at
The post TWG 239: Real Detox with BJ Hardick appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Monday Feb 01, 2016
TWG 238: Finding Motivation
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Monday Feb 01, 2016
Laurence has motivated Damian, Damian has motivated Brett and now Laurence is getting motivated because DK and BH are catching up! This week the boys talk about fitness and motivation. What gets them up and exercising, what do they do when they are finding it hard, what kind of exercise do they do and how it affects their bodies physically, emotionally and also in terms of productivity. So tune in for a great discussion on motivation (and plenty of friendly banter!)
The post TWG 238: Finding Motivation appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Monday Jan 25, 2016
Monday Jan 25, 2016
This week Damian and Brett have a great discussion around how to get your kids to LOVE eating healthily. Stimulated by the recent release of Brett’s new book ‘Nourish Without Nagging’ the boys delve into the mistakes parents make and the solutions that have worked for them and the families they have worked with. So tune in to hear two passionate Dads discussing a topic which is very dear to their hearts.
If you would like to get your own copy of Brett’s new book for just $9.95 click here.
The post TWG 237: Nourish Without Nagging; How to get your kids to love eating healthily appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Monday Jan 18, 2016
TWG 236: Why me?
Monday Jan 18, 2016
Monday Jan 18, 2016
This week Laurence and Brett talk about a topic that they have been asked about over and over again since the formation of The Wellness guys. How can I influence those around me to be healthier too? Whether it be family, friends, your community or the whole world many of our listeners having made changes in their own lives have become passionate about helping others do the same. In this episode Laurence unleashes shares some of his immense wisdom learnt from years of experience and many, many hours of study and seminars to share with you how you can influence those around you to become a healthier version of themselves (and can even make a career out of it if you wish). So get all your questions answered in this passion filled episode of The Wellness Guys!
The post TWG 236: Why me? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Monday Jan 11, 2016
TWG 235: Insider secrets of the beauty industry
Monday Jan 11, 2016
Monday Jan 11, 2016
This week Laurence and Brett touch on a topic that they are by no means experts in so they have gone straight to the top. Rose-Marie Swift is a mane-up artist to the stars working with Victoria’s secret models and and the worlds top magazines. Along the way she has discovered just how much the chemicals in these products have affected her (and others’) health and decided to do something about it. She created a website titled to start informing people of the dangers of the chemicals they are putting on their skin and has now released her own beauty range RMS Beauty. So tune in to hear the real story from the inside of the beauty industry from one of the most passionate advocates you will find!
The post TWG 235: Insider secrets of the beauty industry appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Monday Jan 04, 2016
TWG 234: Has Lola gone too far
Monday Jan 04, 2016
Monday Jan 04, 2016
In the absence of paleo rockstar Brett Hill, LT and DK delve into the book title “Stop being a FAT B*tch” by Lola Berry and take a very interesting and possibly controversial stance on the book title and whether Lola has gone to far!
The post TWG 234: Has Lola gone too far appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Monday Dec 28, 2015
TWG 233: Consciousness and change with Dr Dain heer
Monday Dec 28, 2015
Monday Dec 28, 2015
This week Brett interviews author and internationally renowned speaker on consciousness and change Dr Dain Heer. Dain is a chiropractor who despite his tough upbringing and challenges along the way decided not be become a victim of his circumstances and instead discovered personal transformation, courage and resilience. He also realised that the tools that he had used to help transform himself could also be used to help transform others. So tune in for an inspiring, energising, uplifting episode of The Wellness Guys.
The post TWG 233: Consciousness and change with Dr Dain heer appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Monday Dec 21, 2015
TWG 232: Can wellness become obsessive and harmful?
Monday Dec 21, 2015
Monday Dec 21, 2015
This week The Wellness Guys discuss a very important issue in health and wellness. When does your striving for wellness cross the line and become obsessive and harmful? How do you know if you are being disciplined or obsessive? Strict or over the top? The Wellness Guys talk about all of the pressures out there in society, media and especially social media and how you stay true to yourself and keep your focus on health and what works for you. So tune in for a very interesting chat on The Wellness Guys Show
The post TWG 232: Can wellness become obsessive and harmful? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Monday Dec 14, 2015
TWG 231: Mental well-being and resilience with Michelle Mcquaid
Monday Dec 14, 2015
Monday Dec 14, 2015
This week The Wellness Guys interview Applied Positive Psychologist Michelle Mcquaid about how to discover your strengths, move beyond your fears and discover what it truly takes to thrive. The interview covers many aspects of positive psychology including why we should wait for an adverse event to bounce back from and how to prepare yourself to navigate the high’s and low’s of life with confidence. So tune in for an episode of The Wellness Guys that we can all benefit from.
The post TWG 231: Mental well-being and resilience with Michelle Mcquaid appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Monday Dec 07, 2015
TWG 230: Ronsley Vaz Feeding entrepreneurs
Monday Dec 07, 2015
Monday Dec 07, 2015
feeding is so different to nourishment… but many people are too busy to do either. Ronsley Vaz is a chef who dedicates his time to finding effective, tasty and outrageously healthy meals for people on the run! Executives and Entrepreneurs are notoriously undisciplined when it comes to taking time for a great meal… lets understand what we need to do and could do to have a better experience!
To find out more about Damian go to
To find out more about Brett go to
The post TWG 230: Ronsley Vaz Feeding entrepreneurs appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
Monday Nov 30, 2015
TWG 229: Is Pain Healthy
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Pain is still part of Wellness… right? is Pain a good or a bad thing. Often Pain is left out of the conversation when it comes to helping people live incredible lives. Dr Neil Bossenger joins all 3 of the Wellness Guys in this absolutely fascinating dive into pain, its roles and its messages.
To find out more about Damian go to
To find out more about Brett go to
The post TWG 229: Is Pain Healthy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.